Joy was a wonderful Godmother!

Created by jjmmmc 12 years ago
I was truly blessed to have Joy as my Godmother. As with everything Joy did, she made sure she was the best, always attentive and never missed a birthday, overly generous, kind and loving. I had the privilege of looking after her when she convalesced after her shoulder op years ago. Even though she was in pain, she always had a smile and joke and never complained, always keeping her dignity and pride in tact. We shared some special moments over this time and I always loved listening to her stories. Joy had a gift when it came to telling stories and every time she told a story she had everyone transfixed as she would embellish and make them interesting even if you’d heard the same story several times before. Joy was a role model for me and if I can be half the woman she was I will consider myself very fortunate. Rest in peace Joy, you will be forever missed and always lovingly thought of. Your Goddaughter Joanne, John, Mark, Matthew, Michael and Cara Anne Marsden (South Africa)
