Childhood memories of many a weekend spent with the Morrison's.

Created by pijonic1 11 years ago
I remember Joy being a wonderful mom. I loved spending as much time as I possibly could at Cherry Lane, (the Morrison's home). It felt like a second home to me for many years & I always felt very comfortable & welcome there. I remember Joy being a very warm person & her home felt like a haven to me. I remember many happy hours spent in their pool with Bruce & Derek also being around, either swimming with us or friends, or studying in their rooms, by the pool. I was in awe of them, being so much older & always looking out for Anne. I have fond memories of Anne & I making up dances to all our favourite songs & making Joy, (Mrs Morrison) watch us endlessly 'perform'in their lounge. Sometimes she would call Mr Morrison to also come & watch us. No matter how busy she was, she always made time to watch us. Thinking back, we probably bored her to tears but she never showed it. She had endless patience & had a smile that lit up her whole face & would smile throughout our performances & applaud us enthusiastically when we finished. I remember her spending hours at her Bernina, making wonderful creations & she made it look so easy. I remember many visits with Anne to Mrs Morrison's Bernina shop at Musgrave Centre after school, (en route to Cherry Lane), which was always busy. I also have amazing memories of weekends at Zinkwazi & Mrs Morrison taking us for weekends to visit her mom at the farm. Thank you for the wonderful memories. Those who knew your mom, will never forget her. My love & thoughts are with you all. Nicole xxx